Read First - FAQ

Q: What time zone does this zine follow?

This zine follows the EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) timezone! (UTC-5).


Q: What is the breakdown of your production prices?

All prices were calculated through an estimate of 100 sales via our interest check - here are the approximate unit prices:

Zine (+ zine proof): 6.94

Prints (2): 0.56 together

Charm - Glow in the Dark (1): 3.31

Cover Print: 0.27

Sticker Sheets (2): 2.25 together

Die-cut Stickers (4): 1.50 together

Enamel Pin: 2.10

Total full bundle + stretch goals: 16.83

We added approximately $9 charge to each bundle for contributor compensation - this way at our target 100 sales, we would be able to provide compensation at the minimum level all contributors requested (some opted out of full/partial compensation to reduce costs). 

We also added around $1-2 to each bundle price to account for payment processor fees.


Q: Why are you charging extra cost onto products for contributor copies if this is pay for production?

We believe our contributors should be fairly compensated for the months of hard work they put into the zine, so we count compensating contributors as a cost of production of a zine.

Contributors will only be compensated through zine/merch/free shipping; there will be no monetary profit for contributors. If we somehow make more money than needed to compensate all our contributors, we will use the leftover to have nicer packaging or additional merchandise upgrades.

Our prices are still lower than most zines. If you do not think contributors should be compensated with a single copy of their work after months of labor, then that is unfortunate but we will not be changing our decision.

Q: When will the digital zine be released?

If you bought a physical order OR you made a donation to this project, you will receive early access to the zine on Halloween (October 31st) through email.

We will release it for free digitally in late April..

Q: Where are you shipping from?

We will be shipping from the USA!


Q: Do you ship worldwide?

Yes! Shipping is available for all countries EXCEPT the following countries that USPS does not deliver to: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Chad, Cuba, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Libya, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Russian Federation, Samoa, Solomon Islands, South Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Yemen

Only the digital bundle is available for customers in these regions.

Please be aware though that due to ongoing COVID-19 regulations/restrictions, as well as other worldwide circumstances, there may be delays in shipping for both domestic and international packages.

**Please be aware though that international orders may be subject to additional taxes/fees depending on your specific country, specifically with VAT for the UK/EU. Please refer to your country's laws and/or local post regulations for more information.


Q: When will I receive my order?

We are aiming for all orders to be shipped around early October. Please check our twitter for news of production updates/delays!


Q: What if I need to make a change to my order (ie. change my shipping address, change the recipient name, etc)?

If you need to make any changes to your order, please send us an email at [email protected]! We will send an email to all buyers a few weeks before shipping starts to verify address information as well.


Q: What if my package arrives, and the items are damaged/missing?

We're sorry to hear that your bundle is not as it should be. While we are happy to work with you in regards to solving any issues, please keep the following in mind:

-  We will be ONLY providing refunds/replacements for issues due to our end (ie. a full bundle is missing items, there was no stretch goal item included, a piece of merch that was already damaged was sent out, etc)

- We will NOT be providing refunds for any damages that occur during shipping. Unfortunately, we are unable to ensure the safety of your bundle once it leaves our shipping mod's hands, but we will package it as securely as possible.

- If an incorrect address was provided at the time of ordering, and was not corrected prior to orders being shipped, we will NOT be able to provide a free replacement.



Q: Will my package have tracking?

Yes! As long as you reside in one of the following countries, you will have tracked shipping!

List of Countries with Tracked Shipping

If you reside in another country, your package will have tracking up until the point it leaves the USA's borders. 


Q: I have another question that wasn't answered here!

 Please feel free to reach out to us via Twitter or Instagram DMs, or to send us an email ([email protected])! We'd be more than happy to help answer any questions you may have!